Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel - A Fascinating Biography

2023-09-04 13:24:00 - Ridwan

Alfred Nobel - A Fascinating Biography

Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer, and inventor. He was born on October 21, 1833, in Stockholm, Sweden. Nobel is best known for inventing dynamite, but his contributions go far beyond that. His invention revolutionized various industries and laid the foundation for further scientific advancements.

The Life and Early Career of Alfred Nobel

Nobel grew up in a family that valued education and innovation. His father, Immanuel Nobel, was an engineer and inventor himself, which greatly influenced young Alfred's interests. Since his early years, Nobel was fascinated by science and conducted numerous experiments in his makeshift laboratory.

At the age of 18, Nobel moved to the United States to work at his father's engineering workshop in St. Petersburg, Russia. There, he gained valuable experience and knowledge in engineering and chemistry. He later returned to Sweden and continued his experiments in his private laboratory.

The Invention of Dynamite

In 1867, Nobel invented dynamite, a powerful explosive made by mixing nitroglycerin with an absorbent material. This invention revolutionized the construction and mining industries by making it safer and more efficient to transport and use explosives. It also had significant implications in warfare, although Nobel himself was a pacifist and sought to create inventions that would promote peace.

The Legacy of Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel's impact on the world goes far beyond his invention of dynamite. In his will, Nobel left the majority of his fortune to establish the Nobel Prizes. These prestigious annual awards recognize outstanding achievements in various fields, including physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace. The Nobel Prizes continue to be highly regarded and have become a symbol of excellence in their respective fields.


Alfred Nobel's life and contributions have left an indelible mark on the world. His invention of dynamite revolutionized industries, while his establishment of the Nobel Prizes has honored countless individuals who have made significant contributions to humanity. Nobel's legacy serves as a reminder that innovation and education have the power to shape the world in profound ways.


1. What other inventions did Alfred Nobel create?

While dynamite is Nobel's most well-known invention, he also developed several other important inventions, including a blasting cap, a portable blasting machine, and a more stable explosive called "gelignite."

2. How are Nobel Prize laureates selected?

Nobel Prize laureates are selected by various committees and organizations specific to each category. These committees evaluate candidates based on their contributions and impact in their respective fields.

3. Is there a Nobel Prize for mathematics?

Contrary to popular belief, the Nobel Prizes do not include a category for mathematics. Alfred Nobel's will only included prizes for physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace.

4. How much is the Nobel Prize monetary award?

The Nobel Prize monetary award varies each year, but as of 2021, it amounts to 10 million Swedish kronor (approximately $1.1 million).

5. What was Alfred Nobel's motivation for creating the Nobel Prizes?

Alfred Nobel's motivation for creating the Nobel Prizes was largely influenced by a premature obituary that called him the "merchant of death." In an effort to leave a positive legacy, Nobel decided to allocate his fortune towards the establishment of the Nobel Prizes.

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